Friday, August 03, 2007

What I've Learned This Summer

As this summer draws quickly to a close, I want to express two of the many things I have learned about ministry this summer. The first thing I have learned is that if I want those whom I lead in ministry to be successful then I need to Clarify the Win for them. When we clarify the win, we all have a common goal to reach for, a common goal to strive for. The win for me in ministry is to transform lives - an unbeliever becomes a believer, or a follower of Jesus is transfomed more into the likeness of Christ.

Second, I have learned that it's extremely important to Replace Myself. I ought, if I'm not currently, to invest so much in to others and train those I lead so that they could do what I do in the event I no longer continue in my current position.

Thanks to Andy Stanley and his book 7 Practices of Effective Ministry for teaching me something this summer.