Wednesday, January 25, 2012

unexpected blessing

'universal thank you note' photo (c) 2010, woodleywonderworks - license:
We love good news.  I mean who doesn't like getting good news?  Today, we received word that a donation of $1,000 was made to His Kids, Too! on our behalf to fund an adoption grant.  That's good news!

Unfortunately, we are not given donor names until we have received word that we can fly to Lesotho (which we estimate to be about a year from now - give or take).  From the depths of our hearts, we want to say thank you Anonymous Donor.  Days like this are such an encouragement as we wait… 

and wait… 

and wait. 

It's incredibly humbling to know that others are thinking about us and are getting involved in this adventure as we wait expectantly for our son.  

We know many of you pray for us on a consistent basis as well.  Just as a family expecting a baby biologically, we have many things to do to prepare our hearts for another child.  And our son-to-be needs your prayers too.  Please pray with us that he will be safe and healthy and feel loved by his caregiver and his heavenly Father.  I (Jaclyn) think back to the first day I left Naomi at Preschool and the tears I had leaving her with a “stranger” for the first time.  Even though we have not met our little boy, we are starting to feel this same connection and it makes it hard entrusting him to another. 

As an update, our dossier is complete and will be sent to the Lesotho agency representative by the end of this month.  Then we wait for the next matching meeting and pray that we are matched with a child God has planned for us.

Thanks so much for joining with us on this journey.    God bless!

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