Monday, March 01, 2010

confession of a reforming wesleyan

Over the course of the next several weeks I will be posting a series of chapters from a long essay I am working on entitled Confession of a Reforming Wesleyan. This confession articulates in many ways my beliefs of the Christian faith. What is unique about this confession is that is in the form of a dialogic prayer in the form of question and answer with the LORD God. Each chapter covers a different topic. For example, Chapter 2 (which will be posted soon) focuses on the Trinity and creation. Chapter 3 covers Jesus Christ, sin, and salvation. The Holy Spirit is the subject of Chapter 4. Chapter 5 wraps up the confession focusing on the church and the sacraments. Chapter 1, which will come last, will be an overview of the subsequent chapters, but it will also contain something of my testimony.

1 comment:

Wayne said...

Sounds a lot like a credo paper at WTS ;) This is great Josh! I look forward to reading this. I had no idea that you keep a blog. I will add you to my rss subscriptions right now.
