Monday, December 29, 2008

top eight of two thousand eight

I wouldn't say that I read A LOT (I know a few people who read a whole lot more than I do), but I do read many books throughout the year - some for seminary and others for my own edification. Here are 8 spiritual / ministry books that I recommend...

1. Life on the Vine (Phillip Kenneson)
2. Sex for Christians (Louis Smedes)
3. For the Beauty of the Earth (Steven Bouma-Prediger)
4. The Art of Forgiveness (Louis Smedes)
5. Announcing the Reign of God (Mortimor Arias)
6. Surprised by Hope (N.T. Wright)
7. Working the Angles (Eugene Peterson)
8. The Violence of Love (Oscar Romero)

For Fun:
1. Anything written by Ted Dekker.

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