In chapter four of For the Beauty of the Earth, Dr. B-P examines the connection between Scripture and ecology. Does a connection exist? If so, how? Or in what way? B-P affirms that the Bible is the norma normans - the ultimate norm which trumps all other authorities (ie., reason, tradition, experience, etc.). In the beginning of the chapter he attacks the use and abuse of Scripture citing times througout history where the Bible was used to justify slavery for example. He talks about the fact that we all read from somewhere - "there is no view from nowhere." "We read the Bible," Bernhard Anderson says, "where we are." I think this is an important point to remember when engaging Scripture - that we all have context and limitations in our understanding and the Bible often challenges our limitations and understandings. And Dr. B-P first addresses this question - where are we? - via Genesis 1. I will summarize below:
Where are we? "In a world of wonders, wisely order by God." We are in a world where "peace is primordial."
Where are we? "In a home we share with many other creatures."
Where are we? "On an earth not of our own making, blessed by God."
"In sum," B-P says, "this founding story [Genesis 1] affirms that God is a gracious homemaker and the earth is our home." God is a homemaker...I like that! God shows hospitality to a host of creatures including humans.
Just one more thing I'd like to touch on in this chapter and that is B-P asks the question, "With whom does God make a covenant?" The quick and dirty answer is US! Right? Well, yes God does make a covenant with humans, but God's covenant is not limited to humans. Turning to Genesis chapter 9, we are reminded that God establishes his covenant with Noah and his descendents and with every living creature, the birds, animals, and every animal of the earth (vv. 9-10). It is clear from these verses forward that God makes a covenant not only with Noah but with the earth and all it's creatures. "The covenant with Noah (6:18) includes every living creature." Let us never forget that God is concerned with His earth. Yes, we as human beings are important and loved by God, but God loves the earth too and has covenanted with it.
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